
All in One Migration

WordPress migration Plugin Easily migrate your WordPress website to a new host and make backups All in One Migration Overview Shifting your WordPress treasures from one domain to another can feel like transferring a ship’s cargo in choppy waters. With the All-in-One WP Migration transferring your site’s data becomes as breezy as a fair wind…

WordPress migration Plugin

Easily migrate your WordPress website to a new host and make backups

All in One Migration Overview

Shifting your WordPress treasures from one domain to another can feel like transferring a ship’s cargo in choppy waters. With the All-in-One WP Migration transferring your site’s data becomes as breezy as a fair wind on the open sea. Whether you’re changing hosts or setting a new course with a fresh domain, this plugin ensures a seamless journey.


Transfer sites in a few clicks or niftily create an extra backup.

Where to Find All in One Migration

On the WP Repo here
The Pro version allows you to increase the WordPress upload limit and offers storage extensions that you can export to and import from

What does All in One Migration do?

All in One Migration makes it incredibly easy to migrate your site from one host to another, and make one off backups. It’s easy to see why it has 5 million plus installs on the WordPress repository.

Top Features of All in One Migration

One Click Export

Actually it’s 3 clicks in total but let’s not split hairs.

One Click Backups

Super handy when you know you’re about to do something risky on your site. There is literally no excuse not to take an extra backup when you can do it right there in the site.

URL Replacement

If you’re migrating to a new domain name it auto-replaces the urls during import making changing to a new url a cinch.

How it Works & Looks

The All in One Migration interface couldn’t be simpler. After activating the plugin it adds an All in One menu to the admin sidebar. From here you have the options to export, import or backup. There is also an option to schedule backups but this is a pro feature. You also need to be aware that the free version only allows you to export and import to and from a file.

To create a backup simply click on Export to > File, it will do it’s thing and when it’s ready you simple download it. This process also automatically creates a backup so just make sure that if you do this regularly to go back and delete any backups you don’t need otherwise your site will become as heavy as a breached ship. Be aware that to restore a backup you need to buy their Unlimited Extension. Is this cheeky? Yes I think it is, as they don’t tell you this at the time of backup. However if you’re in a pickle and have no other backups then I’m sure you’d be happy to hand over your gold coins.

To import the site on the new hosting or domain go to Import from > File and upload your file. There is a 64mb limit.

All in One Migration Menu
All in One Migration Menu
All in One Migration Export Options
All in One Migration Export Options
All in One Migration Import Options
All in One Migration Import Options


The main downsides are the limit on file size for import and that if you want to export or backup to a third party storage solution then you have to upgrade. I have no problem with the upgrade but I’d rather a “pro” was put next to all the non-free features.

If your imported site is larger than the free 64mb then there are a couple of free ways to increase this limit and they are laid out here. There is an easy, medium and hard option although if you’re migrating a site then the chances are you’re an old sea hand and the hard option is more than doable.

If you want to restore a backup you have to buy their Unlimited Extension. Again I don’t have a problem with this, except that you’re not aware of it until you try and restore a backup. I’m all about honesty and being upfront and All in One Migration is just sitting at the fringes of that. I’d rather they were more upfront.

WP Treasure Trove doesn’t usually include plugins or themes that don’t offer a genuine money back option. All in one Migration is the exception. This is because it would be open to abuse from people restoring a backup, or using the extension upgrade once and then asking for a refund.

Pro Features

Export & Backup to Storage Providers

If you have a pro add on then you can export to and backup to FTP, Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3, Backblaze, One Drive, Digital Ocean, Google Cloud to name but a few. Be aware that each of these requires it’s own license so if you for example you wanted to back up to Digital Ocean and Google Drive. you would need a license for each.

Remove Upload Limits

The free version has an upload limit of 64mb. You don’t have to buy the plugin to make this limit larger but it’s there as an option. There are free ways to increase the maximum file size.

Schedule Backups

The pro version allows scheduled backups to a storage facility of your choice with hourly, daily and weekly options. If you wanted to schedule backups to more than one storage facility then you would need to buy a pro plugin for each one. For example a pro license for One Drive plus one for FTP.

Pro Pricing

All in One Migration pro pricing is actually a little unclear. Their prices are “from” and yet they only give the one price. This is “from $69” for the unlimited extension and “from $99” for all the storage solutions. It does specifically say that you can use the plugins on “unlimited sites that you own” but given that agencies doing backups don’t own the sites, I’m guessing that’s where the “from” part comes into play. If I recall correctly, years ago they used to have a monthly subscription for agencies but there is no sign of this on their site. Pirates don’t like hidden costs and if there are any please let us know, as this isn’t something we want to promote.

The Developers

It’s not quite as old as ancient treasure but this plugin has been around since 2013. The company behind it is called ServMask and while there isn’t a huge amount of information on their website, all the staff are named and judging by the names, they are probably Eastern European. You can find out more about them here.


The All-in-One WP Migration Plugin isn’t just a tool; it’s your compass, your crew, and your protective convoy all in one when you need a quickie backup or to migrate a site. No longer fear the treacherous journey of site migration. Trust in this reliable mate, and reach new shores with all your treasures intact. Just be aware there may be sirens lurking with “from” pricing who are ready to lure you onto the rocks of doom with hidden costs.